Wintonbury Poetry Series With Featured Poets Naomi Bindman and Charlie Rossiter (Virtual)

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Bloomfield Public Library

Event Details

Naomi Bindman’s articles, essays, and poetry have appeared or are forthcoming in anthologies and journals including Mothering, So to Speak, Friends Journal, Consilience, Import Sky, Honeyguide, Synchroniciti, First Literary Review—East, South Florida Poetry Journal, and Lightwood Magazine. She was a finalist in the 2023 Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Contest, and won the 2023 Creative Nonfiction Award from Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose. Naomi has received grants from the Vermont Arts Council, taught memoir-writing workshops funded by the Vermont Humanities Council, and is on the faculty of the Vermont State Colleges. Her memoir, You're the Words I Sing tells the story of Naomi's journey back to life performing the songs of her daughter, Ellen, who lost her life in a car crash at seventeen. 

Charles Rossiter, NEA Fellowship recipient, has authored numerous books and chapbooks of poetry. He recently edited In The Spirit of T’ao Ch’ien an anthology of American poets who write in the spirit of the ancient Chinese. His work has been featured on NPR, at the Chicago Blues Festival and at the Dodge Poetry Festival in NJ. His latest collections are Winter Poems, Lakeside Poems and Green Mountain Meditations all from Foothills Publishing. Publications in periodicals include Bennington Review, Paterson Literary Review, Boog, and Thema.

Wintonbury Poetry Series is Hosted by Sitara Gnanaguru. Open Mic follows the featured poets. You must provide your email address at registration to receive the Zoom link. Your Registration Confirmation Notice includes the Zoom link for the program. If special accommodations are required, please contact the library at least one week prior to the event.

Residents of Bloomfield and surrounding communities are invited to submit your poetry for consideration to appear on the library’s Poetry Sharing Page. Contact Allison Wilkos at with your submission.

Event Type(s): Adult Program, Teen Program
Age Group(s): Adults, Teens (13-18)
Presenter: Sitara Gnanaguru
Mara Whitman
(860) 463-8683

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