The Conquering Unforgiveness Mastermind (Virtual)

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Bloomfield Public Library

Event Details

Are you feeling any of this?

  • Emotional turbulence: Holding onto grudges means you continue to carry the burden of unhappiness and negativity, robbing you of life's joy.
  • Fractured Relationships: Grudges corrode the bonds you have with loved ones, friends, and colleagues, pushing them away and leaving you feeling isolated.
  • Self-Doubt: The ongoing hurt and anger from grudges often fuel self-doubt, making you question your worth and abilities
  • Suffering in Silence: You often endure emotional pain in silence, unable to express your hurt and unable to find the closure you so desperately seek.
  • Trapped in the Past: You feel trapped in the past hurts, unable to break free and move forward with confidence and purpose.

Join us for this immersive 2 hour experience with Dionne Nicholls-Germain, aka “The Joy Coach," creator of the powerful Conquering Unforgiveness Mastermind and the author of The 90-Day Conquering Unforgiveness Journal. As a professionally trained Life & Leadership Coach, Dionne helps people who struggle with letting go of anger and resentment learn how to forgive the hard things so they can be set FREE, reclaim their POWER, JOY, and PEACE, and create deeper, more fulfilling relationships—especially with themselves. Learn more about Dionne here.

All registrants will receive a copy of The Conquering Unforgiveness Mastermind© Workbook, emailed to you the week of the program. You must provide your email address at registration to receive the Zoom link. Your Registration Confirmation Notice includes the Zoom link for the program. If special accommodations are required, please contact the library at least one week prior to the event.

Event Type(s): Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adults
Presenter: Dionne Nicholls-Germain
Sara Ray

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